I would like to think that summer should start and end with the beauty of flowers and no weeds. Once again that didn't happen this summer, but I did get a few beautiful flowers to start it off.
Our summer has been very crazy or should I say quite normal for us.
For those of you who don't know about Lincoln and his bad luck of things....Lincoln was helping his grandpa fix the tractor (June 5) and part of it fell off and fell on to Linc's foot (the one he just had surgery on). He ended up taking his big toe and making into a raw mess. We went to our local hospital and they couldn't help us. To make a long story short, we ended up in the next town over and had surgery 24 hours later. As soon as Linc was good to go, I took him to his Orthopedic dr in Fort Collins. As of now his toe is still there, but we don't know if it will ever work again. ( if you lose your big toe, you will lose most of your ballence and your abib
ity to walk right, it is a big thing). So we go back and forth to Ft. Collins every 3-4 weeks. This picture was taken right before he got his pins out. He had over 100 stiches. This looks great!!
Lincoln won't be able to play soccer for the next year and maybe longer. We did try this last spring after he was done with his cast, but he wasn't strong enough at that point. So we started therapy and that helped and then we are where we are now.
As for Madi....well she had some bad luck too. My brother Nick and his wife were down from Cali and they had a birthday party for their oldest, Hannah, in Riverton. It was a beautiful day
and Madi was enjoying the Slip and Slide when she some how twisted her arm back and broke her arm in 2 places. It was the 3rd of July and there were no Dr in. We did go to our local Hopital (not much help) and they put her in a sling and told us to find a Dr to set it next week. We were heading to Ft. Collins with Linc that week so we decided to take her along and find a Dr there. We were lucky to find an arm specialist and he fixed her right up. Now we just wait.
Ford is the only one that is all in one piece. When you look at him you just smile. He is the happiest little man out there. He loves people and wants to see everything that goes on. I am so thankful he was a suprize to our family.
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